🎓 Connect to Postgres Console - Rails Command
🎓 Make an existing relationship polymorphic
💪 I dislike mobile apps
🎓 Postgres Copy as CSV
🎓 Rails Asset Pipeline
👃 Map Into Array Ruby
🎓 Rails `cache_key_with_version`
🎓 London or the Chicago school of TDD
🎓 Minitest Rails Factory Bot Factories
🎓 New Rails application with asdf
💪 Influencers
🎓 Upgrading PostgreSQL installed with Homebrew
🎓 Rails - Simple Format
💪 Rails Linting Template
🎓 Modelling Approvals
🎓 Opening Rails Encrypted Credentials
💪 How I use RubyMine
💪 You don't need Javascript for that
💪 Open Communications Channels - with AI
🎓 Ruby Hash method `delete_if`
🎓 ApplicationRecord toggle
🎓 Mocking in Feature specs
🎓 `dom_id` vs `turbo_frame_tag` id
🎓 Rails ordering multiple columns
🎓 View Components with Tailwind
💪 Daily note taking
💪 Preparing to move from Heroku
🎓 Delegated Types
🎓 Prompt vs Blank - Rails form select
🎓 Fixing Postgres Rails connection
🎓 RSpec Aggregate Failures
💪 Open Communications Channels
🎓 API access from Netlify Function
🎓 Ruby `strftime` flags
🎓 Details dropdown
🎓 A Devise gotcha with `after_sign_up_path_for`
🎓 Nested Transaction Rollbacks
🎓 Rails - Foreign Key Table Definition
🎓 Reshim asdf
🎓 Writing Bash Scripts
💎 Passwordless
💎 Ancestry
🎓 SASS imports deprecation
🎓 ActiveRecord `authenicate_by`
🎓 Stimulus Target Callbacks
💎 Capybara Accessible Selectors
🎓 Enable Markdown UML in RubyMine
🎓 The (3 dots) operator
🎓 Has And Belongs to Many join table
🎓 ActiveRecord Relation scoping
🎓 Using a `datetime_select`with a Form Object
💪 How I setup a test suite
🛠 Yoink for Slack
💪 String Enums
🎓 Clobbering Assets in Rails
💎 Launchy
🎓 Rails `button_to` method defaults
🎓 ActiveRecord `will_save_change_to_attribute?`
🎓 Fixing local postgres connection
💎 Ahoy Email
💎 Montrose
🎓 JSON Stringify - arguments
🎓 Transaction Isolation
🎓 Transform Keys
🎓 Webpack(er) compatibility issue
🎓 Git - Porcelain
🎓 Git - Force With Lease
💎 Discard
🎓 ES Modules & Import Maps
💪 Defining an Array Type in Typescript
💎 Mobility
💪 JS Frameworks as a Last Resort
💎 Acts as List
💎 Committe
🎓 What methods are on an Object
💪 I love failing tests
💪 Scripts to help with Rails
🎓 Rails - conditional links
💪 Refactoring CSS - Composition
🎓 Fixing git branches
🎓 Opting out of FLoC
🎓 Renaming route parameters
🎓 Update all the things
🎓 Rails Translation Scope
📝 Making a Show Password Option
📝 Free up Hard Drive Space - Mac
📝 Landing page audit
📝 Web Components at GitHub
🎓 `yield_self` rethinking to `then`
🎓 Query Filtering
🎓 GitHub search unapproved PRs
🎓 Stub Tapping
🎓 Clear out Sidekiq jobs
💎 RSpec ActiveModel Mocks
🎓 Rails `upsert_all` bug
🎓 MySQL Streaming
📝 How to be Clear
💎 Canable
🎓 Finding a method declaration
📝 How to Manage Multiple SSH Key Pairs
🎓 RubyMine with asdf
📝 Secrets of Successful Mentors
🎓 Bullet Journaling
💎 Rails ERD
🎓 Rails routes info
💪 Dark vs Light editor themes
💎 Static Association
💎 Prefixed IDs
🎓 Free fonts
🎓 Hotwire Tweets repo
💎 Scenic
🎓 Custom Validation Option
🎓 Renaming master branch to main
💎 ActiveRecord Session Store
🎓 Custom jQuery functions
💪 Running one-off scripts
🎓 Feature Policy header
🎓 The `<marquee>` HTML tag has been deprecated 😢
💪 Using data attributes for modified styling
🎓 Meta Programming
🎓 How to use `yield`
🎓 Co-authored Commits
💪 Rspec `#` vs `.`
🎓 Secure Copy - SCP
💎 UK Postcode
🎓 Public SSH Keys on Github